When your passionate it is never about a paycheck, it is about getting your "partner's" results! When you partner with the right people the unknown becomes known and the impossible becomes possible through positive momentum. We love working with Tom Curnin of Bravo AV! His trust and confidence in our product motivates us even more to push our limits, put in the extra hours to assure his success and our future partners success. If you are in the New Jersey area Bravo AV is one of the most critical and detail oriented home theater and home automation companies in the country. The results below confirm that when you have a cohesive relationship with positive energy, everyone hits their goal and continue to seek ways to improve. Together over the last 10 months we have stopped all paid ads on google, facebook and other media to a completely local organic search campaign. From average 8 clicks per day to about 100 clicks per day, Bravo AV has a nice pipeline and the ability to pick and choose the clients they want to service properly. There are no words for our appreciation to Tom for believing in The Tech Reps and National Smart Home Google is sales - Social Media is branding just ask Tom or any of our partners!
