When you limit your catalog - you limit your clients. I am sure you have been seeing many predict market changes due to supply chain delays, the only answer is to diversify, expand and advertise! Your "catalog" should not only exist in your head but on your website and rank on google. Most websites we look at only talk about the 5-7 main home tech topics, home theater, home control, motorized shades, smart lighting and maybe networking. We rarely even see a page dedicated to TV installation? Sure, it is a low margin service, but the same people looking for a TV install are the same ones who need to be educated on everything else you offer. It is the trojan horse! People are not only searching for those five topics but sub-topics as well. Motorized shading and outdoor shading are two different searches that need two different pages. Many have 2-3 blogs on the topic of motorized shades, but none on outdoor shades? Your virtual showroom needs to capture traffic for every service you offer and keep adding! Your digital marketing firm needs to help you expand your services and get you noticed instead of posting redundant blogs. You want 2000 keywords to get 1500-2000 local visitors a month to keep that pipeline and then convert sales to what is available- https://www.extremeavs.com/outdoor-lighting-hamptons
You website should feature every service | product you offer
Updated: May 19, 2021